
Category Archive: Events

  1. Hidden Meadows Open For Play On May 1st

    Okay everyone, we’ve got this sorted out the best we can. There are a lot of guidelines that the State of Maine has issued. Most of it pertains to the golf course operators providing a safe environment for people to play golf. There is a link at the bottom of this post that outlines everything. For our customers, we’re going to keep it as simple as possible.

    1. Call the clubhouse and make a tee time. Tee times can be made up to seven days in advance. 207-827-4779.

    2. Once you have made your tee time, go to our on-line store and pay for your golf. If you need a power cart or pull/push cart, you can purchase those on-line as well. Here’s the link:

    3. Please remain in your car until 10 minutes before your tee time.

    4. If you are renting a golf cart, it will be ready for you with your name on it. It will be sanitized and clean. Single riders only unless you live under the same roof. Carts may not be taken to the parking lot before or after your round.

    5. There will be a ‘starter’ managing the 1st/10th tees. The starter will give you the okay to start/continue your round.

    6. Be respectful of the players in your group, and of the other players on the golf course. Maintain social distancing at all times.

    7. Flagsticks must remain in the hole and must not be touched.

    8. There are no garbage cans on the course, so please pack out your trash. Please remember the golf cart is not a garbage can.

    9. Please pick up your own tees after you use them. Do not pick up tees that are not yours.

    10. Please return your cart to the designated area when you are done with your round.

    11. Please do not congregate in the parking lot when you are done playing.

    Remember, the clubhouse, practice range and practice putting green will not be open. The portable restroom between #4 and #7 has been removed. There will be no restroom facilities available. As horrible as this may sound, we have lots of trees, brush and bushes around the perimeter of the course. Keep a roll of toilet paper in your golf bag and just imagine you are on a camping trip. We are truly sorry for this inconvenience.

    As questions and situations come up, we will use our best common sense, and we will work within the spirit of the guidelines provided by the State of Maine. And again, this is a small price to pay for having the ability to get the golf course open. Our goal is for everyone to enjoy playing golf and to stay as safe as possible.

    Official guidelines from the State of Maine:

  2. 7th Annual Big Cup Scramble

    It is almost that time of the year. Sign up today for our 7th Annual Big Cup Scramble on September 28th today. Space is limited, and this event always fills. Cost: $40 per team for non-members, $20 for members per team. Carts are extra. Stop in today, or click the link to register online!

    It looks like it might be easier. It might be, but probably isn’t.

  3. Square & Compass Scramble Saturday, August 10th

    The 8th Annual Square & Compass Club Scramble is on Saturday, August 10th at Hidden Meadows Golf Course.

    The entry fee is $240 per team ($60 per person), and includes green fees, golf cart, meal, on-course events, prizes and more.

    There are cash prizes for first and second place. All players will have a chance at winning a brand new car sponsored by Darlings Ford in Bangor.

    Can’t play but want to support the tournament? A $50 sponsorship gets you a personalized sign located on a tee or green. A $150 sponsorship gets you two individual entries into the tournament plus the tee/green sponsor sign.

    The money raised from this tournament goes to the Star in the East Square & Compass Club Scholarship for an Old Town High School graduating senior.

    For more information, contact Ike Gasaway at 207-385-3874. You can also enter by calling the Hidden Meadows clubhouse at 207-827-4779.

  4. Senior Scramble is Monday, July 8th

    Our annual 2-Person Senior Scramble is scheduled for Monday, July 8th at Hidden Meadows Golf Course.

    The format is a 2-person scramble and is divided into three divisions: age 50-59, age 60-69 and age 70-older. The division you play in is determined by the youngest player on the team.

    The entry fee is $25 per player ($50 per team), and includes the tournament entry, green fees, lunch, prizes and flag events. Carts are not included, and are an additional $12 per person.

    To enter, call the Hidden Meadows pro shop at 207-827-4779. The deadline for entries is Friday, July 5th.

  5. Old Town Animal Orphanage Tournament This Saturday

    We have openings for a few teams for the Old Town Animal Orphanage golf tournament this coming Saturday. The cost is $65 per person ($260 per team) and includes green fees, cart, range balls, prizes, flag events and food.

    There will also be a putting contest for a Scotty Cameron putter, a chipping contest for a custom Mizuno wedge, a 50/50 and a raffle. The raffle features a $500 gift card, and a kayak from Old Town Canoe. Last year, there were nearly $6,000 in total prizes given out for this event.

    The tournament starts at 8 a.m., with registration beginning at 6:45. There will be coffee and donuts at registration. For more information, or to register a team, call the Hidden Meadows pro shop at 207-827-4779.

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