Kauppila Brothers Win Annual Big Cup Scramble
Wes Kauppila and Chris Kauppila were the winners of the 5th Annual Big Cup Scramble on Saturday. They toured the course in 61 strokes, breaking the previous tournament record by two shots.
John Daisey and Jamie Levitt came in second place with 64, Ralph Backman, Sr. and Ralph Backman, Jr. finished in third place with 65. Ray and Stacey Hussey shot 66 for fourth place, while the teams of Dillon Leland and Hazen Dauphinee tied for fifth place with Brett Stuart and Joe Stuart, shooting 68.
We had a total of 35 teams play in the annual event, where we use the 8-inch cups and let our green superintendent get creative with the hole placements. Apparently he made things a bit too easy this year. I’ll make sure to remind him about that for next year’s tournament.
Final results:
1st, Wes Kauppila & Chris Kauppila 61; 2nd, John Daisey & Jamie Levitt 64; 3rd, Ralph Backman, Sr., & Ralph Backman, Jr. 65; 4th, Ray Hussey & Stacey Hussey 66; T5th, Dillon Leland & Hazen Dauphinee, Brett Stuart & Joe Stuart, 68.
T7th, Jody Lyford & Bob Lyford, Bill Fernandez & Thad Dwyer, 69; 9th, Lucas Shorette & Austin Soucy, 70; T10th, David Saucier & David Thibodeau, Bee Levasseur & Brenda Levasseur, Matt Libby & Garrett Libby, 71.
#4, Fred Ouellette, 24’4″
#8, Bob Cust, 9’8″
#13, Bee LeVasseur, 14’11”
#17, Joe Severance, 6’3″