No Carts This Morning, Monday Night League Postponed One Week
Updated post: We’re sorry, but because of the 2 inches of rain we’ve had over the past few days, combined with the cooler weather, the course is too wet to have carts out today. It’s supposed to be windy all day today, and 60+ degrees tomorrow, so by tomorrow we should be fine to have carts back on the course.
Since we cannot get the carts out today, we will not be having the opening night of the Monday Night Scramble. We are moving the opening night of the Monday Night Scramble to next Monday, May 16th. Starting time is 5:30. We’ll draw for teams at 5:25. We will have the bar-b-que going on Monday nights this year, so if you’re coming to the course straight from work, no worries, we’ll have food and beverages to help get you through the round.
Sorry for the one-week delay in getting the league started. I guess Mother Nature is reminding us that we live in Maine and she can be a little unpredictable.